Key Mobile Utilization Data Can Help Optimize Nonprofit Fundraising & Engagement

In a recent post that provided Tips to Creating Social Media Campaigns for Successful Supporter Engagement and Nonprofit Fundraising, I mentioned how being mobile friendly is increasingly important due to the growth and popularity of mobile devices. Comscore has released the latest edition of their Mobile Future in Focus 2013 report which listed 125 million smart phone and 50 million tablet users in the US alone and referenced having “crossed into the Brave New Digital World – a new paradigm of digital media fragmentation in which consumers are always connected.” I wrote about the 2012 edition of this report last year and the Reasons to Incorporate Mobile Marketing into Overall Nonprofit Fundraising and Outreach Plans and these reasons still hold true today. This year’s edition of the report revealed additional key data that indicates mobile marketing is the wave of the future and now is the time to invest in this technology. This information can help nonprofits optimize nonprofit fundraising and engagement opportunities.

By the numbers:

  • mobile-future-2013-nonprofit-fundraising37% – It is estimated that an approximate one of every three online minutes is spent from mobile devices (non-PC desktops). Users now have more choice on how they connect to the internet specifically through smart phones or tablets and it is estimated that in 2014 it will surpass the desktop market share. Notably users use different online access points at different times of day, for example smart phone while commuting, tablets in the evening during down time and desktops during the workday.
  • 29% – The top 25 digital media properties extended their reach through mobile devices by 29%. The top 3 digital properties includes 1st – Google Sites (online population of 223 million+), 2nd – Yahoo Sites (206 million+) and 3rd – Facebook (185 million+). Interestingly the top three incremental audiences via mobile sites include with 155%, followed by ESPN with 59% and with 46% none of which even make the top 10 however each provides a platform that delivers information and entertainment.
  • 273% – 4G technology has exploded and there has been an increase in users by a remarkable 273% topping 33.1 million. As the popularity of mobile device users increases so does the demand for faster networks. Mobile carriers and device manufacturers continue to (re)develop technologies to meet the needs of demanding consumers in a competitive marketplace – much like Apple’s announcement that future iPhones would support LTE technology.
  • Over 65% – Devices varied between smart phones and tablets, however one commonality is that over 65% of users accessed social networking platforms – with 65.3% of smart phone audiences and 67.5% of tablet users ranking among the top activities on these devices. The most popular activity was reading posts and status updates. Other activities for smart phones included text messaging with 90.5%, taking photos 83.4% and using email 77.8%. Top tablet activities also included accessing search engines 73.9%, emailing 73.6% and playing games with 66.3%.

“In addition to using their devices for keeping up to date on friends’ activities, smartphone and tablet owners are engaging with brands on social networks. 2 in 5 smartphone subscribers read posts from brands and organizations”

It’s clear that mobile optimization of a nonprofit’s online presence is critical to tapping into this growing market and that mobile marketing initiatives must be integrated into nonprofit fundraising and outreach plans to ensure its viability and competitiveness in a crowded platform. Early adopters will be far ahead of the game and may garner stronger fundraising results as a result.

Recommended reading:

11 Revealing Stat from Report on Mobile Nonprofit Fundraising via Text4 Key Reason to Incorporate Mobile Marketing into Overall Nonprofit Fundraising and Outreach Plans and Improving Nonprofit Fundraising Supporter Engagement Through Mobile Videos.


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Miratel Solutions is a Toronto call centreeBusiness, and letter shop mail house specializing in professional fundraising services including telephone fundraisingonline fundraisinglottery servicesdonation cagingdonation processing and other donor management services. We are committed to our CSR business values in all contact centre services and mail house operations and advancing the missions of the nonprofits we proudly serve.

One response to “Key Mobile Utilization Data Can Help Optimize Nonprofit Fundraising & Engagement”

  1. […] Marketing into Overall Nonprofit Fundraising and Outreach Plans and earlier this year I wrote that Key Mobile Utilization Data Can Help Optimize Nonprofit Fundraising & Engagement. 2014 may be the year in which mobile devices will dominate internet access so optimizing all […]

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