Social Media in Review According to Nielsen’s The Social Media Report 2012

Through my Social Media Series, I focus on the many ways nonprofits can incorporate social media into digital marketing plans to optimize nonprofit fundraising and engagement or risk being left behind. 2012 has certainly been the year where social media has come to the forefront and made its mark. What 2013 brings is yet to be seen but we know social media’s impact is only going to continue growing so the most successful plans will include stronger initiatives that are both consistent and creative.

I previously wrote about 5 Social Media Lessons Learned in 2012 to Improve Nonprofit Fundraising & Engagement in 2013 to help nonprofits prepare for the coming year. I also recently came across research by Neilsen titled The State of the Media: The Social Media Report 2012 which revealed some interesting statistics that nonprofits can benefit from when determining their fundraising initiatives in 2013. The following are the 4 statistics that stood out most from the report:


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  • More people are using smart phones and tablets to access social media”. Although there has been an overall increase in internet usage, the largest increases have occurred on internet usage through mobile devices (smart phones and tablets) both through regular websites and mobile apps with an increase of 22% and 120% respectively compared to 2011. An increase of 76% was spent on social media apps compared to other mobile websites. Given these results, nonprofits should ensure that all digital marketing and social media initiatives are mobilized so they are maximizing their reach and optimizing how their brand is viewed and message is delivered.
  • Pinterest has become the most successful platform and as the new kid on the block they experienced the largest increase in users and usage. From 2011 to 2012 there was an outstanding increase in PC, Mobile App and Mobile Web unique visitors (+1,047%, 1,698% and 4,225%). Despite increases in many of the other large players, Pinterest has captured a newly engaged audience that are mostly women and, as I mentioned in 3 Target Demographics to Boost 2013 Supporter Engagement and Fundraising Results, they are decision makers, with disposable income and an inclination to give making them an ideal demographic.
  • Television Integration has revolutionized the TV viewing experience as both tablet and smart phone owners (41% and 38% respectively) report having their devices on hand while watching television. From visiting social networking sites during the program, to shopping and looking up information related to the program being watched consumers have become more engaged by integrating their social networking usage to what they are actually viewing. Up to 33% of active Twitter users tweeted television related Tweets during the program they were watching. Nonprofits that have televised marketing content must take advantage of these opportunities by strategically and creatively tying in social media to their programming or advertising.
  • Traditional Customer Service is now evolving to ‘Social Care’ in other words customer service through social media channels is growing as the preferred method that consumers are expressing satisfaction, lodging complaints and posing inquiries to companies and brands. Approximately 1 in 3 prefer to reach out through social media instead of traditional channels, while 47% have engaged in ‘social care’ at some point in 2012 with the top three channels being Facebook, a corporate/company blog and Twitter. It is becoming increasingly important for nonprofit organizations to offer their donors and supporters a platform on social media to contact them although a donor telephone line should also be maintained.

Throughout the year the consistent message has been that nonprofits must make an effort to initiate and maintain a presence in social media. 2013 will be a year to expand on this presence and better utilize social media to its full potential. I look forward to providing more social media updates that will help with nonprofit fundraising and supporter engagement in the new year.

You can check out our complete Social Media Series which includes coverage on FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedin and others.


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Miratel Solutions is a Toronto call centreeBusiness, and letter shop mail house specializing in professional fundraising services including telephone fundraisingonline fundraisinglottery servicesdonation cagingdonation processing and other donor management services. We are committed to our CSR business values in all contact centre services and mail house operations and advancing the missions of the nonprofits we proudly serve.


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