
Overall Nonprofit Fundraising Results Flat in 2012 According to Latest Report

I have been anxiously awaiting the latest Blackbaud Index results for the final month of 2012 and happily realized they went a step further and released a year-in-review report called “Charitable Giving Report, How Nonprofit Fundraising Performed in 2012”. The...

February 12, 2013 Read More

5 Tips on Growing Nonprofit Social Media Communities with Staff and Volunteers

Nonprofits have become more and more immersed in the world of social media and, as I wrote in 2013 Nonprofit Fundraising and Social Media Outlook and 2012 Results, they intend on continuing to develop social media marketing strategies. I began...

February 7, 2013 Read More

3 Factors Impacting Nonprofit Fundraising Confidence According to Report

Industry research and reporting continues to be an integral part of better understanding the nonprofit fundraising landscape in the midst of an unpredictable economy and evolving technologies. Recently I spotlighted 5 Nonprofit Fundraising Insights According to Latest World Giving Index where Canada...

February 5, 2013 Read More

Meatless Monday with Vegan Chinese New Year Feast

Welcome (back) to the Miratel blog for a special Chinese New Year edition of our Meatless Monday recipe share. The Meatless Monday pledge aims to reduce meat consumption 15% by eliminating it one day per week to preserve planetary health. Miratel took...

February 4, 2013 Read More

5 Celebrity Charity Events by Musicians that Incorporate Nonprofit Fundraising and Awareness

I try to highlight the nonprofit fundraising and cause awareness efforts of celebrities to highlight the good rather than the scandalous, salacious or non-stories. I have recently featured the tremendous way in which the celebrity community came together to help with...

February 1, 2013 Read More

4 Time Saving Social Media Tools for Nonprofit Fundraising and Engagement

Social media and digital marketing require dedicated time and attention and can often be overwhelming to even the most seasoned nonprofit fundraising marketing professional. Luckily with the advancement of technology there are many tools that are available to help alleviate some...

January 31, 2013 Read More

10 Top Countries for Charitable Habits According to Latest World Giving Index

Yesterday we wrote about 5 insights from the 2012 World Giving Index and today I am featuring the top 10 country rankings from the latest edition of this report. I often write about reports and lists that rank Canada globally...

January 30, 2013 Read More

5 Nonprofit Fundraising Insights According to Latest World Giving Index

There are many reports based on nonprofit fundraising trends but few consider global results and that is one of the reasons why I look forward to reviewing the World Giving Index. Last year I wrote about the 2011 edition that reflected...

January 29, 2013 Read More

2013 Nonprofit Fundraising and Social Media Outlook and 2012 Results

As I have written about in my Social Media Series, social media participation is common practice now and nonprofits have embraced the reality that a presence is required to optimize nonprofit fundraising and engagement opportunities. Based on 2012 research results on...

January 24, 2013 Read More

Top Web Searches of 2012

As we move into 2013, we’re going to take a look back at 2012 by featuring the top searched terms and people from this past year. This is an interesting (and nostalgic) means of seeing what made the news and...

January 23, 2013 Read More

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