Excellent customer service within our Toronto call center is something that fills us with pride and we always strive to exceed our customer's expectations. Like any customer facing business, gauging how well our team are providing customer service is of...
November 2, 2010 Read MoreI don't really understand the situation that Nike have recently placed themselves in when it comes to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This is a company that understood the very nature of their industry (products primarily made in third world nations...
July 27, 2010 Read MoreCustomer service remains an area where every good business understands the importance it holds and yet some very avoidable mistakes still occur. Refining your customer service processes and skills is a key component in the success of any business but...
July 23, 2010 Read MoreIt's the biggest sporting event on earth but when it comes to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) the 2010 FIFA World Cup is failing to score goals. While FIFA are very proud (draconian?) about their management and organization of this summer's...
July 2, 2010 Read MoreIf you work in a position where you have direct contact with customers or service providers you're almost certainly very aware of the importance of excellent customer service. I've worked directly with clients over the years but also managed my...
May 25, 2010 Read MoreExcellence in customer service is one of the key factors that helps our contact center services at Miratel stand out for our clients. High-quality customer service remains the consistent goal of all businesses that are customer facing, the actuality is...
May 10, 2010 Read MoreWe all probably know that its no longer enough to simply just 'say' we provide excellent customer service. The ability to demonstrate high levels of customer satisfaction as a service provider or a manufacturer/supplier is instrumental in not only retaining...
May 4, 2010 Read MoreThere are always dozens of examples of companies who provide a shining example of how to develop a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program which embraces the fundamental goals of providing a better working environment, using ethical suppliers, supporting the community...
April 22, 2010 Read MoreIf you've ever wondered whether the actual value of excellent customer service can be properly measured you'll be sure to find these results as interesting as I did. We value our entire team at Miratel and place great emphasis in...
April 1, 2010 Read MoreAt the heart of our business goals is the objective of providing value - value in our services both in terms of cost effectiveness, value in terms of client retention, value in terms of our expertise leading to innovative solutions...
March 24, 2010 Read More© Copyright 2025, All Rights Reserved. Website developed by GrayCyan.com