Measuring customer service – a priceless task

We all probably know that its no longer enough to simply just ‘say’ we provide excellent customer service. The ability to demonstrate high levels of customer satisfaction as a service provider or a manufacturer/supplier is instrumental in not only retaining existing clients but successfully attracting new ones as well. At Miratel we are proud of our dedication to providing superior customer service and recommend that you consider tracking the current satisfaction level amongst your client base. Customer service metrics are performance measures that will improve your company’s potential to maximise profit with each and every customer interaction. Implementing the ideal customer contact process and placing extra emphasis on employee training the conversion rate per successful contact rises rapidly, we make sure that a custom program is developed that provides the highest level of service and matches that with targeted training.

Customer service metrics encompass all elements of service provision to customers before during and after a purchase. Data captured can include a series of measurements to ensure a full range of services were offered and key matters were verified with each individual customer contact. As a client you must look at the full range of metrics that can be recorded when planning a call measuring_tapecampaign or similar. Honing your service platform to provide a full scope of services and provisions to improve the customer satisfaction level of your market. This can be provided via our scripted call process and actioned by our customer relationship agents.  Also to be considered is the option of adding automated platforms such as interactive internet sites or Integrated Voice Response (IVR) devices for call assistance. Competition in the recovering market is very pronounced and providing exceptional customer service is a large step up in gaining an advantage versus competitors. Whether you need to provide support services after hours, live chats with agents, online purchasing or full service call centres each method should be matched with the collection of customer feedback to ensure you are delivering the level of service that your customers demand.

A variety of polls and market research confirm that loyal and satisfied customers expect quality customer service at all times. The intangibles are huge but as we all know and indeed may even practice, an unhappy customer often never announces the fact but simply elects to take their business elsewhere. The entire client/provider relationship is improved when customers are satisfied in turn making it more enjoyable for employees to work for and provide service to the customer. Word of mouth via positive references and client loyalty are two other significant dividends that are a direct result of measuring customer satisfaction. The ‘after-care’ market is the part of the relationship that customers most often find frustration with, if something goes wrong with a product or service do you provide adequate support to resolve matters. Is that interaction seamless and satisfying and can a client contact the needed person or department with ease? Each of these factors must be considered when measuring customer satisfaction, call centres often can provide the ideal after hours solution and weekend support so that customers know that help is at hand – and at a time which is convenient to them. Outsourcing your customer support is not only a viable option to assist your customers but the cost effectiveness helps drive what is a sensible business commitment to undertake.

We can work with you to devise customer metrics that meet your needs and those of your customers. If a certain percentage of calls need to be answered within a certain period of time or supervisor assistance is a necessary option we will work through these logistics with you to provide the comprehensive platform to deliver the services you need. The standards you promise and commit to for your customers are the standards we will map out when devising a strategy for your call campaign. Presenting the call data metrics will allow you in real time to assess what is working and how well it is working, in tandem we will work with you to fine tune the service levels to deliver only the best in customer service. Just how valuable are customer service metrics? As valuable as great customer service itself – priceless.


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