Here at Miratel we are well versed in developing creative telephone fundraising campaigns and managing them effectively to maximize donor support. We also think it worthwhile to share ideas and information that can help your non profit improve its online...
April 30, 2010 Read MoreEthics in business with a focus on planet and social responsibility has been on the rise in recent years. It has become increasingly obvious that business needs to be conducted in a new fashion and that includes taking our planet...
April 29, 2010 Read MoreCall centre planning and forecasting are both integral pieces in managing a client call campaign. When meeting with a new client a call centre must fully investigate call forecasts and build a model for staffing and support resources around that...
April 26, 2010 Read MoreHappy Meatless Monday! As you may or may not know, Miratel supports the Meatless Monday campaign which is a non-profit initiative in association with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The purpose of the program is to reduce...
Read MoreThere are always dozens of examples of companies who provide a shining example of how to develop a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program which embraces the fundamental goals of providing a better working environment, using ethical suppliers, supporting the community...
April 22, 2010 Read MoreSitting on this side of the Atlantic Ocean and following the news relating to the volcano in Iceland makes me feel rather detached from the economic chaos it is causing due to the cancellation of essentially all non urgent flights...
April 19, 2010 Read MoreThis is an incredible ecofriendly organic rustic Italian dish perfect for Meatless Monday. This is a great item to serve company as it is easy to make, delicious and it is guaranteed to impress. This dish is truly exceptional and...
Read MoreAs a result of the devastating earthquake in Haiti, corporate social responsibility initiatives have been front and center in the news. Countless companies have stepped forward to make monetary donations or give their particular services. One company was FedEx who...
April 15, 2010 Read MoreIt should be easy to be an eco-friendly consumer, and on the plus side there is more choice than ever before. However there is now a rush of manufacturers looking to make up for lost time (and ground) in terms...
April 14, 2010 Read MoreIt's official, Canada is leading the charge out of recession as new data is released today. Amongst G7 nations the economic growth for Q1 and Q2 2010 for Canada far exceeds the other major industrial powers in a report that...
April 13, 2010 Read More© Copyright 2025, All Rights Reserved. Website developed by