
Fundraising downturn ahead? Evaluate these warning signs…

Supporting non-profits fundraising campaigns with our call centre services is something we at Miratel are truly committed to and work in tandem to develop enhanced programs that bring the best in service and expertise to your organization. Fundraising takes dedication,...

May 6, 2010 Read More

Measuring customer service – a priceless task

We all probably know that its no longer enough to simply just 'say' we provide excellent customer service. The ability to demonstrate high levels of customer satisfaction as a service provider or a manufacturer/supplier is instrumental in not only retaining...

May 4, 2010 Read More

Consumer confidence cogs start turning in Canada

Boston Consulting Group have just released a very interesting survey for business owners in Canada which reveals that Canadian consumers appear to be more confident than those in the US or Europe, the same report shows that consumers are now...

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Meatless Monday with Creole-Style Vegetarian Jambalaya

Happy Meatless Monday!  As you may or may not know, Miratel supports the Meatless Monday campaign which is a non-profit initiative in association with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.  The purpose of the program is to reduce...

May 3, 2010 Read More

Fundraising ideas – report shows how to prepare your social media campaigns (part one)

Here at Miratel we are well versed in developing creative telephone fundraising campaigns and managing them effectively to maximize donor support. We also think it worthwhile to share ideas and information that can help your non profit improve its online...

April 30, 2010 Read More

Brooks – A Shoe-in for CSR Leadership

Ethics in business with a focus on planet and social responsibility has been on the rise in recent years.  It has become increasingly obvious that business needs to be conducted in a new fashion and that includes taking our planet...

April 29, 2010 Read More

Drip Drip Drip….Starbucks brew rich CSR results

Coffee.....just where would be without it? Everyone has their own favourite method for making a great cup of coffee and if out and about we all have a preferred coffee shop to get our fill from. I must confess they...

April 27, 2010 Read More

Call center forecasting – Massachusetts underestimates green rebate program

Call centre planning and forecasting are both integral pieces in managing a client call campaign. When meeting with a new client a call centre must fully investigate call forecasts and build a model for staffing and support resources around that...

April 26, 2010 Read More

Meatless Monday with Inside Out Eggplant Parmigiana

Happy Meatless Monday!  As you may or may not know, Miratel supports the Meatless Monday campaign which is a non-profit initiative in association with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.  The purpose of the program is to reduce...

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CSR – The Corporate Blacklist is published for the first time

There are always dozens of examples of companies who provide a shining example of how to develop a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program which embraces the fundamental goals of providing a better working environment, using ethical suppliers, supporting the community...

April 22, 2010 Read More

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