
20 Top Celebrities Gone Good of 2012 Part 1

Throughout 2012 I often wrote about the nonprofit fundraising and awareness efforts of celebrities in posts like the 10 Top Forbes Power Celebrities and their Charities, the Charities of the 10 Highest Paid Celebrities from Forbes Under 30 List, the 10...

January 9, 2013 Read More

Nonprofit Fundraising Show Slight Increase According to Latest Blackbaud Index

Although 2013 is underway, 2012 nonprofit fundraising results are still being assessed via reports like the Blackbaud Index that recently released the latest data for the month ending November 2012. I last reported on Blackbaud’s October Index that indicated Nonprofit Fundraising results...

January 8, 2013 Read More

Meatless Monday with Garlicky White Bean and Kale Stew

Welcome (back) to the Miratel blog for another edition of our Meatless Monday recipe share. The Meatless Monday pledge aims to reduce meat consumption 15% by eliminating it one day per week to preserve the health of the planet. Miratel took the pledge...

January 7, 2013 Read More

2012 Technological Giving Trends According to Nonprofit Fundraising Industry Reports

As giving habits and trends continue to evolve so do the technologies that support all nonprofit fundraising initiatives. Yesterday, I wrote about the 2012 Nonprofit Fundraising Trends According to Industry Report released by Blackbaud titled 2012 State of the Nonprofit Industry that...

January 3, 2013 Read More

2012 Nonprofit Fundraising Trends According to Industry Report

The new year has officially arrived and fundraising professionals are working on post end-of-year nonprofit fundraising tasks and looking ahead to initiatives and strategies for 2013. A look back on results and trends from the numerous 2012 reports, studies and surveys...

January 2, 2013 Read More

10 Best Meatless Monday Recipe Posts of 2012

This is the final entry in our “Best of 2012” series which has already featured the 10 best Nonprofit fundraising posts, the 10 best Social Media for Nonprofit Fundraising posts and the 10 Best CSR Related Posts from 2012. Miratel...

December 31, 2012 Read More

10 Best Social Media for Nonprofit Fundraising & Engagement Posts from 2012

We are continuing with our “Best of 2012” series that we started yesterday with the 10 Best Nonprofit Fundraising Posts from 2012 by ranking our best social media related posts. We began a Social Media Series for nonprofit fundraising and engagement...

December 27, 2012 Read More

10 Best Nonprofit Fundraising Posts from 2012

In this first entry in our “Best of 2012” series we are featuring our top 10 nonprofit fundraising posts from 2012 so without further ado... 10 Top Forbes Power Celebrities and the Charities They Support. This list of some of the...

December 26, 2012 Read More

Meatless Monday with Christmas Veggie Wellington

Welcome to the Miratel blog for another edition of our Meatless Monday recipe share series. The Meatless Monday pledge aims to reduce meat consumption 15% by eliminating it one day per week to preserve personal and planetary health. As you may know, Miratel...

December 24, 2012 Read More

10 Online Shops that Support Nonprofit Fundraising or Promote a Cause Part 3

This is the third and final installment in my gifts that give to support nonprofit fundraising or raise awareness for a cause guide. In Part 1, I focused on the planet, animals and fair trade organizations and Part 2 was...

December 21, 2012 Read More

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