
Millennial Donors Report Reflects Nonprofit Fundraising and other Trends Part 1

I began working within the nonprofit fundraising sector in 1996, since 2000 with Miratel, and during that time I have seen many progressions in the giving landscape and culture on both the donor and nonprofit side. There are several reports...

September 27, 2011 Read More

The Latest Blackbaud Index of Charitable and Online Giving

[caption id="attachment_6583" align="alignright" width="324"] Blackbaud Index of Charitable and Online Giving image courtesy of[/caption] We frequently write about the Blackbaud Index of Charitable and Online Giving and recently featured the findings from the previous index. We also spotlighted this...

September 22, 2011 Read More

Online Fundraising Pioneer FirstGiving Still Inspires Non-profits and Donors

Billed as a pioneer of online fundraising, FirstGiving has been established for over a decade and is a platform dedicated to connecting non-profits with supporters drawn to the causes they value most. Founded by lawyer and investment banker Zarine Kharas...

September 20, 2011 Read More

SickKids Dreams and Discoveries Lottery Fundraising Program

Miratel Solutions has been providing non-profit organizations with fundraising services that assist with various fund development initiatives since 2000. One of the charities we proudly service is SickKids Foundation in support of its lottery fundraising programs.  SickKids Foundation was established...

September 15, 2011 Read More

Edun CSR Business Model Combines Values with Profit

We at the Miratel blog have previously written about several for-profit business models that have been built on its CSR business values appealing to consumers wanting to feel good about their purchases and the brands they support. TOMS shoes really...

September 14, 2011 Read More

Mobile Donating Expands Reach of Fundraising Services

Emerging technologies and the influence of social media has resulted in much change in the accessibility and delivery of non-profit fundraising services. There are now additional web-based and mobile platforms non-profits can incorporate into their existing mail, telephone or online...

September 13, 2011 Read More

Mobile Giving Foundation Makes Fundraising Services a Text Away

We have spotlighted several new fundraising services platforms that combine point and click convenience with the expansive reach of emerging social technologies. Sites such as Jumo, CovergeUS, Razoo, Crowd Rise, Give2gether, Kickstarter, Kiva City, Givmo, Broadcause, Startsomegood and Donorschoose have...

September 8, 2011 Read More

Project 360 CSR Business Model Mixes Philanthropy and Style

There is a CSR business trend occurring in retail whereby philanthropic values are being embed into the foundation of the business model. We have previously written about this trend through features on TOMS shoes and TOMS eyewear and their “One...

September 7, 2011 Read More

Princess Margaret Welcome Home Sweepstakes Fall Fundraising Program

Miratel Solutions has proudly provided telephone fundraising services in support of the Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation lottery programs for many years. As one of the top 5 cancer centres in the world, Princess Margaret Hospital has been leading the way...

September 6, 2011 Read More

Meatless Monday with Butternut Squash, Mushroom and Red Onion Pizza

Hello and welcome (back) to the Miratel blog and thanks for stopping by for another Meatless Monday recipe.  We took the Meatless Monday pledge as part of our CSR business initiatives in support of reducing meat consumption by 15% to...

September 5, 2011 Read More

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