
Engaging CSR Business Initiatives a Click Away with Like it for Good

Miratel places great value in our CSR business mandates and they are factored into all layers of operations throughout our Toronto contact centre and mail house.  We realize it’s an on-going commitment and that our initiatives should always be progressing...

August 18, 2011 Read More

Non-profit Fundraising Outlook for 2011

For decades, charities have long relied on the support of grants and donations from corporations in addition to money raised from the public through conventional non-profit fundraising methods.  As a result of the economic downturn, support from corporations experienced a...

August 17, 2011 Read More

Educational Non-profit Fundraising Made Simple with Donorschoose

We have spotlighted various online philanthropy assisting and non-profit fundraising websites over that past few months on the Miratel blog including Jumo, ConvergUS, Crowd Rise, Give2gether, Kickstarter, Kiva City, Givmo, Broadcause and Startsomegood. Today we are continuing this series by...

August 16, 2011 Read More

Meatless Monday with Zucchini Stuffed Tomatoes

Welcome (back) to the Miratel blog and thanks for joining us for another Meatless Monday.  Miratel took the Meatless Monday pledge as part of its CSR business initiatives in support of reducing meat consumption by 15% to improve personal health...

August 15, 2011 Read More

Toronto Hospital Food Going Local and Other News

Hello and welcome to the Miratel Solutions blog. Today we have a miscellaneous selection of news from around Toronto, Ontario where our contact centre and mail house is located so let's get right to it. This past Wednesday August 10th,...

August 12, 2011 Read More

Sevenly has Non-profit Fundraising Down to a Tee

Non-profit Fundraising takes on a fashionable new look with the Sevenly concept: "one tee. one week. one cause." What this means is that every week they will sell a different t-shirt in support of a different cause and seven dollars...

August 11, 2011 Read More

Whole Foods Bring CSR Business Accountability to New Level

Upscale supermarket chain Whole Foods is taking their unique CSR business concept direct to their customers and helping them make informed purchasing decisions in the process. Their goal is to educate customers on where their meat products come from and...

August 10, 2011 Read More

Startsomegood and Broadcause Enhance Traditional Fundraising Services

Since 2000, Miratel’s core competence has been nonprofit fundraising services so we are keenly tracking how social media is impacting this niche market segment. We have explored this in several previous posts by spotlighting the growing popularity of philanthropy assisting...

August 9, 2011 Read More

Meatless Monday with Grilled Flatbread and Shaved fennel Salad

Hello and thank you for stopping by on another Meatless Monday.  Miratel Solutions took the Meatless Monday pledge as part of our CSR business initiatives in support of reducing meat consumption by 15% to improve personal health and the health...

August 8, 2011 Read More

Ontario 2-1-1 Online and Call Centre Services Reach 10 million+ and other Ontario News

August 9, 2011 marks the tenth anniversary of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission’s (CRTC) decision approving public access to community information and referrals through 2-1-1 online and call centre services. The idea for simplifying the public’s access to social...

August 5, 2011 Read More

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