
Government spending cuts have nonprofits anxiously trying to measure impact

Fundraising for nonprofits in the US via local, state and federal grant money is currently sitting on a knife edge. I've been reading countless stories from small-town newspapers and large city publications that interview different representatives within the nonprofit industry...

March 9, 2011 Read More

Hotel industry faced with losing business if CSR commitment is lacking

I've written a number of times before about how I anticipate that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives and practices on a company by company basis will ultimately need to fall under a wider umbrella of ratings for both customers and...

March 8, 2011 Read More

Meatless Monday with Mediterranean Pasta with Artichokes, Olives, and Tomatoes

Welcome (back) and thank you for joining us for another Meatless Monday. As a green call centre, we support the Meatless Monday movement in support of reducing meat consumption to improve personal and planetary health. Our recipe today is for...

March 7, 2011 Read More

Toyota launch ’100 Cars for Good’ campaign to assist nonprofits

Toyota have put a fresh new spin on their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies this week by announcing a new program which will award 100 new vehicles to the same number of different nonprofit organizations. The Japanese car maker is...

March 4, 2011 Read More

Wells Fargo release 2010 CSR report

It has been a good week for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) news especially in terms of the results of some large corporate giving plans, hot on the heels of the exceptional results from Microsoft that I wrote about recently comes...

March 3, 2011 Read More

Twitter co-founder turns his attention to social change and nonprofits

The continued advances in technology and their application to nonprofit fundraising strategies is never in danger of slowing down. Just when you're beginning to get comfortable with Facebook's 'Causes' or Jumo along comes another idea that might represent a significant...

March 1, 2011 Read More

Meatless Monday with Warm Quinoa, Spinach, and Shiitake Salad

Welcome (back) and thank you for joining us for another Meatless Monday. As a green call centre, we support the Meatless Monday movement in support of reducing meat consumption to improve personal and planetary health. Today’s warm quinoa, spinach, and...

February 28, 2011 Read More

International Corporate Philanthropy Day is February 28th

Next week marks an important annual event on the CSR calendar with the fourth Monday of each February being used to celebrate 'International Corporate Philanthropy Day'. As corporate social responsibility continues to expand as a global philosophy, corporate philanthropy marches...

February 24, 2011 Read More

Blackbaud opens nonprofit fundraising database to the Canadian market

Last Thursday Blackbaud Inc announced that one of the largest searchable databases of charitable donations was finally going to be made available to subscribers in Canada. For nonprofit fundraising research access to the NOZA Philanthropy Data will be a welcome...

February 22, 2011 Read More

Meatless Monday with Lentil Bolognese

Buon giorno e benvenuto to another Meatless Monday. As a green call centre, we support the Meatless Monday movement in support of reducing meat consumption to improve personal and planetary health. Today on the menu is an Italian classic called...

February 21, 2011 Read More

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