
Nonprofit Fundraising survey by Sage shows optimism returning for 2011

We are already almost two full months into 2011 and now one of the first significant surveys about expectations for nonprofit fundraising for this year has been released. Sage North America this week published the findings from its just completed...

February 18, 2011 Read More

Microsoft’s corporate giving initiatives blend innovation and participation

I've written before how I envisage a changing landscape where corporate giving continues to grow and more people as employees align their charitable activities to support nonprofits via their place of work. Many large companies have really raised the bar...

February 16, 2011 Read More

CSR Special Report – The London Olympic Stadium – part one

When it comes to the most successful Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies everything it seems is in the planning or at least it ought to be. Next summer's 2012 Summer Olympic Games will be held in London, England for the...

February 15, 2011 Read More

Meatless Monday with Gardein Beefless Stew

Hello and welcome (back) to another Meatless Monday. As a green call centre, we support the Meatless Monday movement in support of reducing meat consumption to improve personal and planetary health. For dinner on this wintery Meatless Monday is beef...

February 14, 2011 Read More

2010 Green Power study shows promise for corporate commitment to renewable energy and CSR

When evaluating the overall performance in terms of corporate responsibility for large corporations the consumption of energy/electricity use is naturally a good starting point. As green power continues to grow in popularity and versatility many large companies are making dramatic...

February 11, 2011 Read More

Procter & Gamble’s renewable energy plans set sail with a wind turbine

Demonstrating Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is of course an important facet of any large corporation's operations in 2011. While compiling and publishing data and reports that are aligned with the company's medium and long-term strategic goals for social responsibility is...

February 10, 2011 Read More

The UN move rapidly forward with CSR global refinement

About 4 weeks ago I wrote about how pleased I was to see that the United Nations were adding CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) to their global human rights platform. Just a short time later it's equally encouraging to report that...

February 9, 2011 Read More

The 2011 DoGooder Nonprofit video awards, still time to enter or be inspired by

The use of video to help raise the profile of your nonprofit fundraising organization remains one of the strongest viral methods to communicate a message about your organization's history, objectives and overall approach. With technology costs continuing to reduce in...

February 8, 2011 Read More

Meatless Monday with Spinach and Artichoke Mushroom Casserole

Hello and welcome (back) to another Meatless Monday. As a green call centre, we support the Meatless Monday movement in support of reducing meat consumption to improve personal and planetary health. On the menu tonight is a spinach and artichoke...

February 7, 2011 Read More

Celebrity endorsement for nonprofits can be a costly gamble

Have you ever wondered if the endorsement of a celebrity provides significant dividends to an advertising or marketing campaign? Did you question how much a famous face helps consumers make determinations about a product or service? Also if traditional advertising ...

February 3, 2011 Read More

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