
Britain announces spending cuts that could signal boom or bust

As recently as a week or two ago CSR was essentially only known as the acronym for Corporate Social Responsibility but with the advent of what was deemed the 'Comprehensive Spending Review' finally released to the public today in the...

October 21, 2010 Read More

IRS changes leave thousands of nonprofits scrambling to maintain status

In a story that's been gathering steam for quite some time, it is feared that many thousands of nonprofit businesses throughout the US are in danger of having lost their tax-exempt status this week due to filing rules that went...

October 20, 2010 Read More

Loonie parity with US Dollar, PM Harper looks to partner with China

It has been extremely interesting week for the Canadian economy as a continued market resurgence coupled with the growing strength of the Canadian dollar has led to parity with the US dollar for the first time since April. It's not...

October 19, 2010 Read More

Meatless Monday with Spinach Curry

Welcome to another Meatless Monday. For dinner tonight why not try a spicy and delicious spinach curry. This is a great meal to enjoy on a crisp fall night because it is hearty and warming. This spinach twist on the...

October 18, 2010 Read More

Excellent database for nonprofit reviews and information

One of the challenges for a potential donor to overcome is how to get a good unbiased impression of the work a particular registered charity accomplishes. One of the most pivotal considerations for a donor is establishing just how well...

October 14, 2010 Read More

Marriott release global CSR report

In our ongoing reviews of corporate-wide CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility Programs) I wanted to take a look at how Marriott International  are performing and on the surface I'd say very well. The hotel giant has grown in leaps and bounds...

October 13, 2010 Read More

Questions for nonprofits are both valid and valuable

In the wake of some 'expose' type stories in the Canadian and UK media recently there has been a certain amount of alarm bell ringing when it comes to the management and fiscal acumen of some nonprofits. Personally I think...

October 12, 2010 Read More

Meatless Monday with Fried Zucchini Coins Pasta

Do you have an abundance of Zucchini? Have you seen the locally grown zucchini in the grocery store or your local farmer’s market at very reasonable prices? Well, let us put this abundant harvest to good use this Meatless Monday...

October 11, 2010 Read More

Chevron pledge more to the Global Fund, now lead in private sector support

The oil industry needs a shot in the arm wherever it can find it right now, especially when it comes to CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in the wake of a year that has featured the BP disaster and added scrutiny...

October 8, 2010 Read More

Employee engagement is a win win component of CSR

I spend a great deal of time researching and reporting on the myriad of CSR (corporate social responsibility) programs at different companies, I may on occasion get a little lost in the minutia of detail concerning recycling or energy conservation....

October 6, 2010 Read More

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