
Munich 2018 games? German group says not a sustainable option

In the past I've written a number of times about the environmental impact and sustainable planning that goes hand-in-hand with large sporting events such as the World Cup and the Winter and Summer Olympic games. In each circumstance the events,...

October 5, 2010 Read More

Meatless Monday with Lasagna Soup

Buon giorno and welcome to another Meatless Monday! As fall is upon us and there is a crisp chill to the air, you might be looking for fast, satisfying and warming dishes that use the bounty of vegetables that are...

October 4, 2010 Read More

What shade of green is being achieved in financial corporations?

As you're well aware more and more companies are quick to tell you just just how green they are and will use the 'G' word at a moments notice to signify responsible behavior that potential customer will feel comfortable with....

October 1, 2010 Read More

Dow Jones Sustainability Index has become the benchmark of benchmarks

The Dow Jones Sustainability Index (or DJSI) has become for the right reasons a fairly exclusive club of only 318 companies globally, you may recall it was significant news when BP were removed from the index in June of this...

September 29, 2010 Read More

Fundraising recovery mirrors the economic fortunes of Canada and the USA

As we approach the final quarter of 2010 it is certainly good time to reflect upon the relative improvement in economic conditions here in Canada, in fact compared with other G20 nations Canadians have more to be cheerful about than...

September 28, 2010 Read More

Meatless Monday with Vegetarian Fajitas

Welcome to another Meatless Monday! For tonight’s dinner we are heading south for a classic southwestern dish, fajitas. Even though fajitas are generally made with meat, chicken or shrimp ours use a variety of different vegetables. You can enjoy this...

September 27, 2010 Read More

Haiti remains at the beginning of a long recovery 8 months later

I looked at the calendar this morning and it reminded me just how quickly 2010 is passing and with the end of summer upon us like many of you I feel the holidays and the end of the year just...

September 24, 2010 Read More

Once upon a time in America(n) Apparel…..a CSR fable

I tend to write about CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) a few times a week on the blog and the focus is typically on companies that are expanding their corporate responsibility initiatives and the dividends that this so frequently brings. Naturally...

September 22, 2010 Read More

CB Richard Ellis building CSR pedigree one home at a time

[caption id="attachment_2198" align="alignleft" width="418" caption="CBRE Cares program at work in New Orleans"][/caption] When it comes to CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) I think there is good logic in sticking with what you know best when applicable, if for example your company...

September 21, 2010 Read More

Meatless Monday with Greek-Style Quinoa Burgers

Happy Meatless Monday! We here at Miratel Solutions continue our support of the movement to “reduce meat consumption by 15% to improve personal health and the health of our planet”. This week’s offering is a quick burger courtesy of Martha...

September 20, 2010 Read More

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