
Fair-Trade, its about far more than just coffee

In the supermarket this week I noticed again (but this time it registered) the "Fair Trade Certified" logo on a number of products so this time I thought I'd do my research about the logo after bringing the shopping home....

August 19, 2010 Read More

New corporate giving report reveals more good news than bad

A new report shows that the lingering impacts of the recession continue to take a bite out of corporate giving despite the fact that the market is very slowly improving. A new survey details the specific amounts donated and also...

August 16, 2010 Read More

Celebrity Chef Delivers Everyday Gourmet to your Door and shares a Meatless Monday Recipe

In addition to our regular Meatless Monday recipe and in the interest of promoting new local businesses that are demonstrating an attention to green values, we are happy to announce the launch of a new meal service company in the...

Read More

A revolutionary idea in fundraising, but could it work?

I read a fascinating post today by a recognised voice in the non-profit sector, the author has the reputation for being a pioneer within the industry at creating innovative fundraising ideas that can change the whole landscape fundraising methodology. The...

August 12, 2010 Read More

US Economic recovery not possible without improvement to housing market?

While the economy in Canada continues to head toward fairly robust results of growth if a little short of expectations the situation in the United States continues to limp toward recovery in a way that can best be described as...

August 11, 2010 Read More

Maxwell House: Its a new morning, brew some good

It is becoming increasingly obvious that corporate social responsibility (CSR) plans have a positive impact on the image, employees and customers of a brand as more and more companies are proudly promoting their initiatives. One such example is the coffee...

August 10, 2010 Read More

Meatless Monday with Real French-Canadian Pea Soup

Do you think that classic Canadian fare is back bacon, poutine and fried dough A.K.A a beaver tail? That is not the case. A perfect Meatless Monday meal for the next rainy summer day, when your craving some warming comfort...

August 9, 2010 Read More

Human Trafficking – little more than a modern word for slavery

Non profits provide such a wonderful and diverse range of benefits. From volunteerism to fund-raising drives, donor support to lotteries, the beneficiaries reside in almost every facet of society. Charities often seem to get their hands dirty where perhaps others...

August 5, 2010 Read More

Any silver lining from the BP disaster seems very tainted

For over two months now like so many other people I've been waiting for some good news to come from the BP oil rig disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. It's been one of those events that I think we'll...

August 4, 2010 Read More

Milwaukee flooding brings out the best in local CSR actions from Kohl’s

Employee engagement is I think the cornerstone of larger companies declaring a lasting commitment to CSR initiatives. When a disaster strikes such as the recent wide-scale flooding in Milwaukee an engaged workforce not only are encouraged to help where they...

August 3, 2010 Read More

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