Tracking the changes within nonprofit fundraising is always an interesting task, thankfully the exceptional work by organizations such as Convio, Inc provides us with a better understanding of how the industry continues to evolve. Each year Convio release a report...
January 25, 2011 Read MoreWe constantly hear about the many advantages that are to be gained by nonprofits with an active commitment to social media and I fully agree that a structured approach to social media will bring dividends and most importantly build relationships...
January 21, 2011 Read MoreCorporate Social Responsibility and the environment will present the transportation industry with many significant choices over the coming years. As a consumer we each face decisions every time we buy a new car or appliance but what about the airline...
January 20, 2011 Read MoreShining the light on the excellent CSR work done by companies is a continuing theme on the Miratel blog. As Corporate Social Responsibility continue to become more firmly embedded in the overall approach taken by corporations and small companies it's...
January 18, 2011 Read MoreThe ongoing saga between Apple and the nonprofit industry seems to be escalating much as I had expected. The crux of the issue is the lack of versatility offered by Apple smartphones when it comes to using apps designed for...
January 13, 2011 Read MoreCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices continue to expand and evolve as companies marry their CSR policies more and more efficiently to their daily practices. Four trends that I expect to see accelerating throughout 2011 have already shown promising signs in...
January 11, 2011 Read MoreNonprofit fundraising can sometimes be at its most effective when you encounter it almost subliminally, especially when your awareness of a cause is only triggered because you were online looking up some information. According to 'typical internet user stats' the...
January 7, 2011 Read MoreNonprofits throughout the US are facing what may amount to becoming a huge, systematic (if temporary) and inconsistent change dependent upon the location of their operations. In different cities and municipalities throughout the States, city management are scrambling to create...
January 6, 2011 Read MoreSouthwest Airlines have launched a creative way to introduce their millions of customers to a charitable cause in a practical way involving social media. This level of creativity is a very tangible way for a company to demonstrate their commitment...
December 21, 2010 Read MoreNonprofit fundraising is often in tandem with the economy and quite naturally has faced some difficulties in the last 2 to 3 years. While donations overall fell away in conjunction with the recession which was very nearly global; the response...
December 17, 2010 Read More© Copyright 2025, All Rights Reserved. Website developed by