
Tim Hortons Local Outreach Program plus Other CSR Business News

Miratel prides itself on its professional fundraising services and its CSR business policies equally and we are only too happy to report on other like-minded businesses. Today we are spotlighting the CSR accomplishments of Canadian coffee chain, Tim Hortons followed...

July 14, 2011 Read More

Southwest Airlines align CSR with Make-A-Wish Foundation via novel use of social media

Southwest Airlines have launched a creative way to introduce their millions of customers to a charitable cause in a practical way involving social media. This level of creativity is a very tangible way for a company to demonstrate their commitment...

December 21, 2010 Read More

Is Apple taking a bite out of mobile giving to nonprofits?

Nonprofit fundraising is often in tandem with the economy and quite naturally has faced some difficulties in the last 2 to 3 years. While donations overall fell away in conjunction with the recession which was very nearly global; the response...

December 17, 2010 Read More

CSR red flag – Chevron say Utah oil spills ‘highly unusual’ despite two issues in 6 months

While the giant BP oil 'spill' disaster quite rightly caught the attention of the international media plus of course governments and environmentalists yet another smaller accident is almost being ignored by the media. Should the size of the spill actually...

December 16, 2010 Read More

New survey shows perceived value CSR has moved so far in last decade

Based upon a new article in British newspaper 'The Guardian' the landscape for a corporation's CSR practices have gone from being very pedestrian to a fully fledged component of how they do business. This is encouraging news and to be...

December 14, 2010 Read More

Jumo early verdict – hit and miss

Now that Jumo have had a live beta version online for about a week the reviews are coming in from far and wide. Opinions range from the ecstatic to the unconvinced and in the middle many are taking a wait...

December 10, 2010 Read More

5 great timesavers for your nonprofit fundraising Twitter account

Using Twitter to help grow the networking capability of your nonprofit fundraising organization is a topic I've touched upon previously on the blog, for example this post about tagging/keyword reach and this one about creating a simple to use audio...

December 9, 2010 Read More

What might a return of the estate tax mean for fundraising in the US?

Nonprofit fundraising in the US could be impacted most by a tax change coming up in 2011 in terms of giving amongst the wealthiest. A two year trend of reduced donations from those with the highest net worth may see...

December 7, 2010 Read More

Celebrity Chef Delivers Everyday Gourmet to your Door and shares a Meatless Monday Recipe

In addition to our regular Meatless Monday recipe and in the interest of promoting new local businesses that are demonstrating an attention to green values, we are happy to announce the launch of a new meal service company in the...

August 16, 2010 Read More

A revolutionary idea in fundraising, but could it work?

I read a fascinating post today by a recognised voice in the non-profit sector, the author has the reputation for being a pioneer within the industry at creating innovative fundraising ideas that can change the whole landscape fundraising methodology. The...

August 12, 2010 Read More

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