I wrote last week that demonstrating that your call center provides exceptional customer service is the single best way to combat the stigma that can be attached to the industry when you only tend to hear about customers who have...
March 16, 2010 Read MoreIf you have ever worked in the call center industry you'll relate to what I'm about to write, if you haven't I still recommend you digest what I have to say. Customer relationship agents employed in call centers work hard,...
March 11, 2010 Read MoreAnnounced call center hiring activity is notably higher than in the earliest weeks of 2010. Centralized call center solutions throughout North America remain a field of relative growth despite an economy that is only just beginning to find it's feet...
February 25, 2010 Read MoreOutsourcing - it's a sensitive topic and often misunderstood - there are a myriad of business applications where we can provide call center services both efficiently and competitively. However we provide near-shore services. Our strength is the market in which...
February 17, 2010 Read MoreThe general perception over the last decade is that multiple corporations have outsourced jobs offshore to save overhead and improve margins, if it was as simple as that wouldn't most businesses be looking at record profits and shareholders breaking down...
February 10, 2010 Read MoreSometimes things should just be assumed, if you don't allow yourself enough time you'll be late, if you don't stay organised you'll forget things and if you don't look after your customers you'll eventually lose them. Everyone in business knows...
January 29, 2010 Read MoreToo often in a call center environment (or any customer service situation) there is a misconception that a rapid response is the best way to provide quality service when faced with any client issues. Over the years I've seen time...
January 27, 2010 Read MoreOutsourcing can be the best decision you ever make for your business providing it's informed and prepared in a strategic sense. Nearshore outsourcing to Canada can manage the divide between cost savings while making no sacrifice to customer service, technology...
January 8, 2010 Read More© Copyright 2025, All Rights Reserved. Website developed by GrayCyan.com