
5 easy steps to heighten your nonprofit’s LinkedIn profile appeal to donors and others

LinkedIn continues to achieve consistently healthy growth and for nonprofits it remains probably the most valuable external window into your organization both from and at the executive level. For nonprofit fundraising and donor acquisition that executive audience is of vital...

September 2, 2014 Read More

Meatless Monday with Easy Vegan Seared Tamari Maple Tofu

Welcome (back) to the Miratel blog for another vegan installment of our Meatless Monday recipe share series. Miratel took the Meatless Monday pledge to support reducing meat consumption 15% by eliminating it one day per week to preserve the health of our...

September 1, 2014 Read More

The Ice Bucket Challenge – an amazing example of viral nonprofit fundraising

Nonprofit fundraising has not just been in the news over the last week or so but the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has become the news to a certain extent, especially in social media circles. The impact of the viral nature...

August 28, 2014 Read More

10 Most Liveable Cities 2014

As a Toronto call centre, we’re proud of our home city and all that it offers. We’re also interested in how we compare on the world’s stage and I’ve explored this topic in posts like the best country to live, the smartest...

August 27, 2014 Read More

Could signal the rise of the online charity shop?

Thrift shops, resale stores or charity shops call them what you will but the thrift store is a very significant revenue stream for nonprofit fundraising that we rarely have cause to discuss here on the blog. Let's look at the...

August 26, 2014 Read More

10 nonprofit fundraising mistakes to avoid

Today we're very excited to bring you a special guest post by kind courtesy of the University of Notre Dame. The article is a rather brilliant summary of some of the most common nonprofit fundraising mistakes that charities unfortunately make....

August 22, 2014 Read More

Five ways a nonprofit can improve online donation forms

Recently I've seen more and more valuable information about how to improve the online donation forms used by nonprofits. As you would expect not only is the donation form a key feature within a website for those who elect to support...

August 21, 2014 Read More

15 Most Innovative Countries in the World According to Global Innovation Index

Innovation is a key component to a country's appeal and economic success. As a Canadian call centre, we embrace innovation and were intrigued to see how Canada compared on the global scale. Previously, we’ve explored where Canada ranks in posts...

August 20, 2014 Read More

Six key ways a donor survey can help your nonprofit fundraising planning

Nonprofit fundraising often strives to employ the best in new technology and social media tips to move forward the dual goals of audience engagement and sourcing potential new donors. Much of what I write relates to overall trends in the...

August 19, 2014 Read More

Meatless Monday with Vegan Pulled “Pork” BBQ Sandwiches

Welcome to the Miratel blog for another summer edition of our Meatless Monday vegan recipe share. Miratel took the Meatless Monday pledge to support the reduction of meat consumption 15% by eliminating it one day per week to preserve the health of...

August 18, 2014 Read More

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