In our second installment of looking at local non-profits here in Ontario we would like to turn the spotlight today toward an organization that we are proud to have worked with for the last nine years on various fundraising initiatives...
September 17, 2010 Read MoreDespite continuing concerns about factory output seeing a slight decline and a very fragile export market due to the continued paucity of the US recovery there was extremely good news about the Canadian economy this week specifically on the jobs...
September 16, 2010 Read MoreAt Miratel we are extremely proud to own and operate a business in the greater Toronto area, one which holds great stock in our community involvement in addition to supporting clients throughout the nonprofit sector in assisting with their fundraising...
September 15, 2010 Read MoreIt's been some time since we had a chance to zoom in on an individual company's approach to CSR Corporate Social Responsbility, so I thought it would be sweet to take the opportunity to do so today and sweet is...
September 14, 2010 Read MoreRegular visitors to the blog may know that at Miratel we provide key expertise in assisting nonprofits with fundraising activities via our range of call-center services. Therefore when a major fund-raising story breaks it captures our attention even if it's...
August 27, 2010 Read MoreI found a very interesting story today concerning offshoring reversals that while predicted a few years ago has not yet manifested itself with the frequency some had expected. That said the scenarios under which it occurs are becoming more apparent...
August 26, 2010 Read MoreEven as more and more companies are displaying increased awareness and commitment to active and beneficial CSR (corporate social responsibility) programs, the public at large are also looking to have their say about the way companies perform and the experience...
August 25, 2010 Read More© Copyright 2025, All Rights Reserved. Website developed by